It's been an interesting start to the year. For the first time I am having a crack at playing over 30's representitive touch footy. I'm training the most I have since I was at university and had more time to burn. Now I have more fat to burn. Still, with all this running around something had to give a little in the old mind and it turns out it is my creative side.
I'm no artist, don't get me wrong. My creative outlets run to this blog, cooking and playing round with logos. Specifaclly for TShirts. I love a cool shirt. What I needed was some sort of kick start. Usually I am at my most creative when I have something else that urgently needs doing. That's when my creative brain kicks in and starts throwing awesome ideas at me. It's a natural developement from the procrastination skills I learnt at uni. I did all the classes, even thought of doing an honours in procrastination, but in the end, I couldn't be bothered.
January is a quiet time at work and other than the war I'm having with my free spirited goats, the only thing that is dominating my time is training. And after some of these sessions all I can do is crash, running up and back ten metres for two and a half hours in forty degree heat is not the best for generating ideas.
A mates blog though, gave me the jump start I needed. Dr Yobbo writes a fantastic fictional account of the band Flange Gasket, set in and around Brisbane and the Nothern Rivers in the same time that I was kicking around in the music industry. It's hugely funny, well written, lots of sex, drugs and rock n roll. My kind of story.
Flange Gasket in one episode had a band TShirt made up, a parody of The Monkees called The Drunkees. When I first read it I thought it was awesome. In the story, The Monkees quickly sue and the shirt gets pulled, making it a collectors item. I reckon that when I read that chapter I was already subconsciously thinking about doing the shirt. When it cropped up again in the latest chapter it was like a big candle to a moth. Here was a good bit of fun. So I designed the logo for the fictional shirt for the fictional band.
Of course it's no good just doing the design. To do it justice I needed to get one printed and send it to the Doc. I could have screen printed it myself, but it would probably be only a few shirts and my screenprinting rig really needs to do about 20 to make it cost effective. Google and web surfing came to the rescue. I found a site where I can set up a shop and sell the shirts and they'll do the print, no matter how intricate the art. The cost stays the same.
So I give you, Flange Gasket's, hey hey we're the drunkees limited edition band shirt!
Lantanaland from the iPhone
I'm no artist, don't get me wrong. My creative outlets run to this blog, cooking and playing round with logos. Specifaclly for TShirts. I love a cool shirt. What I needed was some sort of kick start. Usually I am at my most creative when I have something else that urgently needs doing. That's when my creative brain kicks in and starts throwing awesome ideas at me. It's a natural developement from the procrastination skills I learnt at uni. I did all the classes, even thought of doing an honours in procrastination, but in the end, I couldn't be bothered.
January is a quiet time at work and other than the war I'm having with my free spirited goats, the only thing that is dominating my time is training. And after some of these sessions all I can do is crash, running up and back ten metres for two and a half hours in forty degree heat is not the best for generating ideas.
A mates blog though, gave me the jump start I needed. Dr Yobbo writes a fantastic fictional account of the band Flange Gasket, set in and around Brisbane and the Nothern Rivers in the same time that I was kicking around in the music industry. It's hugely funny, well written, lots of sex, drugs and rock n roll. My kind of story.
Flange Gasket in one episode had a band TShirt made up, a parody of The Monkees called The Drunkees. When I first read it I thought it was awesome. In the story, The Monkees quickly sue and the shirt gets pulled, making it a collectors item. I reckon that when I read that chapter I was already subconsciously thinking about doing the shirt. When it cropped up again in the latest chapter it was like a big candle to a moth. Here was a good bit of fun. So I designed the logo for the fictional shirt for the fictional band.
Of course it's no good just doing the design. To do it justice I needed to get one printed and send it to the Doc. I could have screen printed it myself, but it would probably be only a few shirts and my screenprinting rig really needs to do about 20 to make it cost effective. Google and web surfing came to the rescue. I found a site where I can set up a shop and sell the shirts and they'll do the print, no matter how intricate the art. The cost stays the same.
So I give you, Flange Gasket's, hey hey we're the drunkees limited edition band shirt!
Lantanaland from the iPhone