BALLS.101 You gotta take the lead and let the others follow

BALLS.101 You gotta take the lead and let the others follow

In which, with Beeso literally powerless to stop him, the Doc talks to himself about the Cavs being bad, Noah being on the gear, Dray boycotting the Raiders, the Spurs picking their spots, the Bulls getting TurNT, no overtaking in Melbourne, HHRBFDRTW, BOOO-is Hamilton, IT'S A FKN PINK CAR redux, and quick hits from the AFL, cricket and international football. Beeso will hopefully have dried out by next week and will be back on the show. Nobody wants the Doc to have this much of a platform to himself.

BALLS.102 Super Rugby: now 3/18ths less Super than advertised

BALLS.102 Super Rugby: now 3/18ths less Super than advertised

BALLS After Dark.86 Don't you think you're too old for this

BALLS After Dark.86 Don't you think you're too old for this